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5 exercises for your hamstrings, booty, and abs you can do with just a stability ball!

It may be cool outside currently but you know in ONLY 2 months its gonna Get HOT, so we can help you Match your BODY with the Outside Temps🤣🤣🤣

We do over 1,000 different exercises targeting one to two body parts each class to isolate and TARGET those trouble areas. We call it Targeted Body Part Training.

Last week on Great Day SA, we demonstrated 5 exercises for your hamstrings, booty, and Abs you can do with just a Stability Ball! One of our Fitness Experts, Amanda, demonstrated the following exercises on LIVE TV:

Stability Ball Hamstring Curl

Stability Ball Passes

Band Hip Raise on Stability Ball w/BAND

Stability Ball Ab Crunches w/KB

Plank Stability Ball crunch

Watch the clip above to see each exercise properly demonstrated.

If you would like help with your fitness, we have the Best Specials for Brand new clients including $80/month for Unlimited Group Training. We offer FREE CONSULTATIONS to collect Health History, goals, setting up your custom program, and scheduling.

Call 210.495.3131

Or Email me directly at to schedule your FREE CONSULTATION

Also make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook @FIT THERAPY of Texas

I look forward to working with you soon!

In health,

Kenny McClendon

Owner of Fit Therapy of Texas

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